Mohammad Sababheh

Articles by Mohammad Sababheh:

OaM-10-26 » Log and harmonically log-convex functions related to matrix norms (06/2016)
JMI-10-26 » Integral inequalities of the Heinz means as convex functions (06/2016)
MIA-20-03 » Convex functions and means of matrices (01/2017)
JMI-11-01 » Inequalities related to the arithmetic, geometric and harmonic means (03/2017)
MIA-20-27 » Improved Jensen's inequality (04/2017)
MIA-21-53 » Quadratic interpolation of the Heinz means (07/2018)
JMI-12-68 » On the matrix harmonic mean (12/2018)
MIA-22-83 » Operator inequalities via geometric convexity (10/2019)
MIA-23-24 » Subadditive inequalities for operators (01/2020)
OaM-14-08 » Some new operator inequalities (03/2020)
JMI-14-36 » Reversing Bellman operator inequality (06/2020)
MIA-23-86 » Further subadditive matrix inequalities (07/2020)
JMI-15-10 » New inequalities for interpolational operator means (03/2021)
JMI-15-84 » On the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality (09/2021)
JMI-15-85 » Composite convex functions (09/2021)
OaM-15-86 » Revisiting the Grüss inequality (12/2021)
OaM-16-19 » Buzano, Kreĭn and Cauchy-Schwarz inequalities (03/2022)
JMI-16-13 » Singular values inequalities for matrix means (03/2022)
JMI-17-24 » Improved matrix inequalities using radical convexity (03/2023)
MIA-26-27 » New orders among Hilbert space operators (04/2023)
OaM-17-34 » On the matrix Cauchy-Schwarz inequality (06/2023)
JMI-17-57 » Quasi-convex and Q-class functions (09/2023)
OaM-18-09 » On the Berezin number of operator matrices (03/2024)
OaM-18-16 » Further properties of PPT and (α,β)-normal matrices (03/2024)
MIA-27-29 » On the numerical radius of an operator matrix (04/2024)
MIA-27-32 » Jensen-type inequalities in terms of Lipschitzianity (04/2024)
JMI-18-35 » Operator inequalities via the triangle inequality (06/2024)
MIA-27-54 » Singular values of compact operators via operator matrices (07/2024)